Making Wooden Spoons | Woodworking for Mere Mortals

Making wooden spoons is similar to making cutting boards: they both seem to be projects that every woodworker will eventually attempt. Typically, spoons are hollowed out and shaped using carving knives and chisels, but I used my power tools instead. I also opted for non-traditional spoon shapes, making and acoustic guitar and an electric guitar. The wood is mahogany. These are not the most practical utensils but intended as decorative pieces for hanging on the wall.

Wooden guitar spoonsI had a lot of interesting considerations when making these spoons. They have both concave and convex surfaces as well as tight curves and various thicknesses. I decided I would do most of the shaping with sanders (using every sander in my shop), cut out the shapes with my scroll saw, and carve out the bowls with a rotary tool.

Tools I used:

I began by drawing out a couple of guitar shapes and pasting the templates to a board. (Click here to download my cutting templates.)


I cut out these two shapes using my scroll saw.


Sander 1. Smoothing the outside curves with my disc sander.


Sander 2. Getting into flat areas with my 1″ strip sander.


Sander 3. Sanding inside curves with my spindle sander.


Sander 4. Using hand sandpaper to get into tight curves.


Next, I used a round carving bit in my rotary tool to carve out the bowls of the spoons. This didn’t take long at all using this tool



Sander 5. I shaped the curved back sides of the guitars using a belt sander clamped upside down to my workbench.


Sander 6. Refining the shapes using my random orbit sander.


Sander 7. Final smoothing and shaping using my detail sander.


I finished these with tung oil. If I were going to actually use them as cooking utensils, I would apply a coat of mineral oil instead.





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