What Happened To ClearVue? Before we get into the assembly of an Oneida Dust Gorilla Pro cyclone dust collector, let’s address the elephant in the room: what happened to the ClearVue? Just like my table saw, I took the move to Colorado as an opportunity to try something new. One less tool to move and work around as I get the new shop together and one more chance to gain perspective on a different brand. In addition, Oneida offers stands for their cyclones and that’s a feature I wanted in the new shop. So after a few pleasant phone calls with the folks at Oneida, we are now working with them directly on the dust collection solution for the new TWW shop. And just to clear the air, I have nothing negative to say about Clear Vue. Their cyclone served me well for over a decade and I am lucky to have gotten to know the kind folks that run the company. But now I also feel lucky to know some of the great people behind Oneida! Enter Oneida! My sales...
Video - February 18, 2014 History Back in the early days of my woodworking, I was heavily influenced by a show called Woodworks. The host, David Marks, would frequently engage in a process that was very new to me at the time: power-sculpting (aka power carving). I was so excited by this process that I drove all the way up to Santa Rosa to learn the technique from the man himself. So what you see in this video is largely inspired by the work of David Marks. If you’re interested in seeing some of the old Woodworks episodes, you can do so here. Once I returned home from Santa Rosa, I set out to create a simple sitting bench that would incorporate this carving technique. While the bench was only meant as a prototype, I went on to teach a class on the topic and my buddy Tom Iovino was able to write an article about the project for Woodcraft Magazine. Several years later, I wrote an article for Popular Woodworking Magaz...
Posted on Feb 27, 2017 Once you use a tool, you set it aside and later wonder where you took it out from. Unfortunately, not all of us are as organized as we would like to be, or as our professions would demand. For instance, if you work with tools, you need to organize and store them correctly, but whoever does? If you’ve been wondering how your counterparts save time and energy just by being well-organized, take a leaf out of their book here. We present 17 innovative and surprisingly easy tool storage ideas that will make life easy for you. Choose any one or more of them depending on your space, need and time to make them: Create extra space on your work bench If your workspace is small and you need to accommodate your tools too, one great idea is to use your wall. Create a wall unit where you can stack up your tools. This gives you more room on your work bench and cabinets while organizing your tools and within your view. Check this great tool sto...
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